
Our aesthetic treatments:

Always bleach your teeth under the supervision of your dentist or assistant.

White and bright teeth. Who wouldn’t want that? Whitening teeth with bleaching treatments are possible in many cases, but not always.

The color of your teeth

The color of teeth is different for everyone. Some people have whiter teeth than others. Some have yellow teeth, others even brown or grayish teeth. In any case, not all teeth are the same color. Sometimes the color of a single tooth is very different from the rest.

Teeth and molars are composed of dentin and enamel. The color and thickness of the dentin mainly determine the color of the tooth. The original color of the dentin is inherited. The enamel of teeth and molars is almost transparent. The canines have a thicker layer of dentin than the other teeth. Therefore they are often more yellow.

What causes teeth to darken?

When food dyes penetrate plaque (the white-yellow layer of bacteria on teeth), teeth look darker. This can happen through drinking coffee, tea, and red wine. Smoking can also cause discoloration. In addition, your teeth will darken with age. The formation of dentine is always going on. The layer of yellow-colored dentin becomes thicker. The enamel layer, on the other hand, becomes thinner through wear and tear. Also, in time, cracks may appear in the enamel. This makes it easier for food and drink dyes to penetrate the tooth.

White teeth, even for me?

You first come for a control appointment with the assistant. She looks as if bleaching is possible. Fillings do not color along. Also, there will first be looked at whether there is tartar or sediment so that it can be removed first. Then the current color of your teeth is assessed. What is the cause of the discoloration? Do you have many crowns and bridges? Are diseases or medications the cause? What color would suit you? Bleaching is not always the only or best solution. The assistant will assess whether bleaching is useful for you and whether you will achieve the desired result.

Bleaching methods

  • Whitening from the inside out for ‘dead’ teeth

First, the dentist opens up the tooth. In the discolored dead tooth, the dentist applies a paste with a bleaching agent. This porridge is inserted in the morning and removed at the end of the day. Depending on the results achieved, the dentist repeats the treatment one or more times. Finally, he closes the tooth with a final filling.

  • External bleaching of “living” teeth:

At-home bleaching under the supervision of the dentist or dental assistant

Even, not too severe discolorations can be bleached from the outside. This is done with the help of a bleaching spoon. First, the assistant makes an impression of your teeth.

The dental technician in the dental laboratory makes a bleaching tray. This is made of a soft plastic specifically for your teeth. This is important because then the spoon fits well and your gums are well protected against the bleaching agent (peroxide). You get the bleaching spoon and the gel with the bleaching effect to take home. Therefore, this is also called “home bleaching. The assistant indicates how long you have to wear the bleachers with the gel for the desired result. Usually, you will wear the bleaching gel at night. Depending on the discoloration you will see results after a few days or weeks. During bleaching, your teeth and gums may become temporarily sensitive. Consult your dentist if this occurs.

How long does a bleaching treatment take?

With the at-home bleaching method, it usually takes two weeks before you achieve the desired result.

Can all teeth be whitened?

During a bleaching treatment, fillings, veneers (porcelain or composite shield), crowns, and bridges do not bleach. A bleaching treatment for these teeth makes no sense.

 Can I eat and drink anything during the bleaching treatment?

Because of the bleaching, the enamel of the teeth is slightly more porous. This is temporary. The enamel restores itself. During treatment with the tray, certain foods and drinks can adversely affect the result. Examples are coffee, tea, red wine, carbonated soft drinks, citrus fruit juice, and food containing dyes (such as fruit jam). During the treatment, the use of these products, as well as smoking, is not recommended.

What result will the bleaching produce?

Bleaching results are different for everyone. The basic color of your dentine largely determines the final result. And that basic color is different for everyone. The bleaching result is sometimes not permanent. In several cases, the discoloration returns after a few years. The formation of dentine is simply continuing. Bleached teeth, like unbleached teeth, will eventually discolor due to aging. This process is faster if you smoke or use certain nutrients. The effect of prolonged or repeated bleaching on tooth tissue is not fully understood.


Adults don’t always have straight teeth. Nowadays many adults want braces. So it’s nothing special!

Braces at a later age

Braces at a later age can be done very well. Often it is a cosmetic procedure because you are not satisfied with the way your teeth look now.

Types of braces, locks, and Invisalign

Orthodontists and dentists have a variety of treatment options to help straighten teeth. Adults may not be suitable for all types of braces. Orthodontists are also increasing the use of white brackets which are less visible compared to the commonly used metal brackets. Invisible braces also exist, the best known is Invisalign. These are invisible, hard plastic aligners that are placed over the teeth.

Treatment plans of dentists and orthodontists

The orthodontist will first make a treatment plan before starting the treatment. During the treatment, it is necessary to properly maintain the teeth. A visit to the dental hygienist is recommended. Brushing your teeth properly when you have braces is difficult, but it is a shame if you get cavities.

What is a facing?

Do you want beautiful white teeth? Or do you want to get rid of a gap between your teeth? Or would you like to have a chipped tooth repaired? With the help of a so-called veneer, the dentist can embellish the appearance of your teeth.

Dental veneers are tooth-colored filling materials made of composite or porcelain. The dentist sticks the filling material onto the tooth. He can change the shape or the color of a tooth. They can also fill gaps between teeth, repair broken-off corners, whiten yellow or brown teeth and mask crooked teeth.

How long does a facing last?

A facing lasts five to ten years and sometimes longer. Smoking and drinking coffee or tea, discoloration in the hand. Dental veneers can wear out or be damaged by, for example, grinding the teeth or biting the nails. The dentist can always repair or replace a worn or damaged veneer. This treatment does not damage the tooth itself.

What material are facings made of?

Dental veneers are made of composite or porcelain. Composite veneers generally require less grinding by the dentist. On the other hand, porcelain veneers are less sensitive to surface staining.

What does the treatment for a facing consist of?

Dental veneers are applied in several steps. Composite veneers are applied by the dentist in a single procedure. Porcelain veneers are made in a dental laboratory. Therefore you should visit your dentist at least twice.

The treatment in steps for a composite facing

Choosing the color

First, the dentist chooses the right color of your veneer in consultation with you. The dentist can immediately show you the effect of the desired color. He has several colors at his disposal which he can combine. You can compare it to mixing different types of paint.

Grinding of the tooth

If necessary, the dentist will grind a very thin layer off the surface of your tooth. This makes room for the veneer. If not, your tooth will become slightly thicker.

Bonding of the facing

Before bonding the composite to your tooth, your dentist will pre-treat your tooth with an acid. He also applies an adhesive layer to your tooth. The composite is then bonded to this layer, which is still soft.

Shaping the facing

After your dentist has bonded the composite to your tooth, he first models the filling material roughly into the right shape. When the desired shape is reached, the dentist shines a blue light on the composite. This is how he hardens the composite. Finally, he grinds the composite into the desired shape and polishes the surface. Then the facing is ready. If you do not like the shape or color, your dentist can immediately correct the veneer after grinding away a layer of composite.

The treatment for a porcelain facing (Cerec)

This treatment is the same as the Cerec crown treatment. 

How does a facing feel?

A veneer feels just like your own tooth. You may have to get used to it first. Speaking may be difficult at first if your teeth have been made longer. If the dentist has made significant changes to the shape of your teeth, sounds may become distorted. This may go away in a few days.

Can you eat anything with a facing?

With a facing, you can eat anything. But you should not bite on hard things, like sweets, your nails, or a pen. Also tearing off the tape with your teeth is not recommended.

Does a facing need extra maintenance?

A facing does not need extra maintenance. However, you will have to keep your teeth clean. Brush with a soft toothbrush. Use dental floss regularly to clean between the teeth.

What does a facing cost?

The cost of dental veneers depends, among other things, on the material used by the dentist. Composite veneers are considerably cheaper than porcelain veneers. This price difference is partly due to the costs of the dental laboratory. Your dentist can tell you what the treatment will cost.