
Treatments by children:

First visit to the dentist, baby teeth

Should I prepare my child for the first dental visit?

Prepare your child for the first visit. Tell your child he or she can go to the dentist. Explain what’s there, like a nice chair, a big lamp, and a man or woman in a white coat. Also mention that your child may be allowed to sit on the chair for a while. Tell your child that the dentist will want to take a look inside his or her mouth this time or next time, just like he or she will want to look inside you. Stimulate curiosity. Going to the dentist is normal and a part of life.

What do I tell my child about the dental visit?

You can prepare a child for the dental visit by talking about it understandably. Choose a level that is appropriate for your child’s age. Don’t go into too much detail, but offer a sense of security. Don’t start talking about treatments with a child under the age of four. At checkups, tell your dentist what your child already knows, such as how to brush her teeth.

How often should I take my child to the dentist?

Taking your child to the dentist twice a year is usually sufficient. He can guide you and your child in the development of healthy teeth and treat your child if necessary. Should it be difficult in the beginning, our advice may be to come every 3 months temporarily so that the child can get used to it quickly.

My child has to go to the dentist. What can I do if I’m uncomfortable going to the dentist?

Children are sensitive to negative signals. Especially to those of their parents. It is therefore important that you are relaxed when you go to the dentist. Leave your child at home if you need to be treated. This is more relaxing for you and your child. Are you just going for a checkup? Then just bring your child along. Do you dread going to the dentist? Have your child accompany another adult to the dentist.

What does the dentist do with small children?

Treatment is usually not necessary at the age of two. The dentist will check whether the teeth are in order and will mainly give advice and information.

When will the dentist treat my child’s teeth?

The most common problem with baby teeth is cavities, also known as caries. They usually start in the molars. Larger cavities can cause pain or inflammation. Over time, this can cause baby teeth or molars to erode and damage permanent teeth.

The dentist will usually prevent a cavity from growing larger. He may do that by removing (drilling) caries and filling the tooth. Sometimes the hole is so small that if you take good care of your teeth, the infection won’t progress. In that case, he may refrain from drilling and filling. The dentist will then give you appropriate advice about nutrition and brushing. If a tooth is going to erupt quickly, the dentist will not usually do anything.

How can I prepare my child for a cavity filling?

Prepare your child well if the dentist needs to fill a cavity. At a quiet moment, explain that one or more teeth are sick. Tell your child that the dentist will fix the tooth. Let the dentist tell your child what will happen. Does your child have questions about the treatment? Discuss these with your child. If you make the treatment look better than it is, your child will lose confidence in you and the dentist. In addition, your son or daughter will be more reluctant to undergo treatment in the future.

What to do in case of an accident?

An accident can cause a tooth to fall out or become damaged. In such situations, contact your dentist immediately. Find all the loose pieces or the complete tooth as soon as possible and take it to the dentist. Never replace a baby tooth that has fallen out. It can damage the new permanent tooth. Keep a fallen or chipped tooth moist, preferably with milk. Milk is not within reach? Then keep the tooth or piece of tooth loose in the mouth of the parent/guardian, preferably in the space between the molars and the cheek.

Smallmouth, small teeth

Adult teeth do not fit in the small mouth of a child. That is why a child first gets baby teeth. Teeth are important for biting, chewing, speaking, and swallowing. The milk teeth influence the development of the face and the jaws. They also play an important role in the development of permanent teeth.

When do children get their baby teeth? 

The age at which children start teething varies from child to child. Usually, the first baby tooth breaks through between six and nine months. The first two baby teeth emerge from the bottom in the middle. These are followed by the two middle incisors at the top. The last milk tooth usually appears between 24 and 30 months. A complete milk bite consists of twelve teeth and eight molars.

When do children get their permanent teeth? 

A child changes its teeth between the ages of six and twelve. The baby teeth are replaced by permanent ones. New molars are also added at this time. Around the sixth year of life, a new permanent molar breaks through behind the last baby tooth. Another molar follows around the twelfth year. Complete permanent teeth consist of twelve teeth and sixteen molars. This does not include wisdom teeth. The breakthrough at a later age.

Are all children equally likely to get cavities? 

Not everyone is at the same risk for cavities. Even fragile teeth can remain flawless with good oral hygiene and sensible eating habits.

Do you need to properly care for a baby’s teeth?

A child automatically exchanges its milk teeth for permanent teeth. You would think that it is not necessary to take good care of a baby’s teeth. Nothing could be further from the truth. Poor care can cause cavities and gum inflammation. This can cause pain, making your child eat less, feel uncomfortable, or have difficulty sleeping. Poor care of baby teeth can also affect permanent teeth. This happens, for example, when baby teeth or molars are extracted. The teeth in the permanent teeth can then crowd together or become crooked.

How can I brush my child’s teeth properly? 

To prevent tooth decay and inflamed gums in your child, you must brush your child’s teeth properly. Consider the following:

  • For children up to two years old, it is sufficient if you brush your teeth once a day. Brush the teeth of children over two years of age twice a day.
  • Once the first teeth have erupted, brush them once a day with fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride is a natural substance that makes teeth less vulnerable to acid attacks from bacteria. Using the right amount of fluoride helps prevent cavities. The amount of fluoride in fluoride children’s toothpaste is adapted to use by small children. Adult toothpaste has higher levels of fluoride. You can use it on children as young as five years old.
  • Use a toddler toothbrush. This small brush easily reaches all teeth.
  • Introduce your child to brushing playfully. This way, you can prevent your child from becoming bored with brushing. Think of the initial phase as a settling-in period. During this time, the presence of fluoride in the mouth is more important than getting the brush everywhere.
  • Brush the tips of the new teeth that break through immediately. This applies to both milk teeth and permanent teeth. The enamel of newly erupted teeth is not yet strong. So they are more susceptible to cavities.
  • The first permanent molar breaks through behind the milk teeth. Because this molar is lower, it is often not noticed. Brush this molar well, too.
  • Encourage children from the age of two to brush their teeth. This makes it a habit. Be sure to brush your child’s teeth after they have finished brushing because he or she is not yet able to do it well enough on their own. Keep brushing until your child is about ten years old. A good position is to stand or sit behind your child. Turn your child’s head towards the light so that you can see inside his mouth.
  • The scrubbing method allows you to brush children’s teeth easily and efficiently. It involves short horizontal overlapping movements. If necessary, you can use an electric toothbrush.
  • Take your child to the dentist from the age of two.
  • When cleaning the teeth, pay attention to all sides of them. Think about the three B’s: Inside, Outside, and Top. To clean the upper surface, the mouth should be opened wide. The inside and outside surfaces are easier to reach when the mouth is half-open. Always keep a fixed order of brushing.

What is the influence of eating and drinking on milk teeth? 

There are sugars and starches in almost all of our food and drink. These can be harmful to your teeth. This applies, particularly to sticky sweets. Bacteria in the mouth convert sugars into acids. These acids damage the teeth. Fortunately, saliva has a protective effect. It neutralizes the acidic effect on the teeth. But this takes time. Therefore, limit the number of times your child eats and drinks to a maximum of seven per day. Three meals and a maximum of four snacks a day. Give your child savory things rather than sweet things. Try not to get your son or daughter used to sweets and don’t add sugar to foods and drinks. Prefer sugar substitutes found in light products, but remember that light drinks also contain acids.

Why is it better for my child to use a cup instead of a bottle? 

Frequent sucking on a bottle or container containing fruit juice, syrup, yogurt drinks, and other milk products can damage the teeth. Because the teeth come into prolonged contact with sugars, there is a high risk of developing what is known as infantile caries. The risk of this happening is smaller if children drink their sweet drinks in one go. Therefore, from the age of nine months onwards, let your child drink from a cup without a spout instead of a feeding bottle or an anti-spill cup. If necessary, use a spouted cup as an intermediate step. In the evening and at night, drinking from a baby bottle with sweet contents is particularly harmful. At night, the saliva can hardly recover from the acid attacks on the teeth. However, drinking water from a baby bottle at night is not harmful.

Are thumbs up or use of a pacifier harmful to milk teeth? 

Sucking is a natural, instinctual need for a baby. Children like to suck their thumb or on a pacifier. In most cases, this does not cause any problems for the baby’s teeth. Thumbsucking can only be harmful once the first incisors of permanent teeth erupt. Your child may then push the upper teeth of the permanent teeth and the jaw forward. If your child starts to thumb, it is best to give it a pacifier. Of course, it is easy to remove a pacifier. A child will put its thumb in its mouth faster and more often than a dummy. This is why it is usually easier for a child to unlearn the use of a pacifier. Try to unlearn your child’s thumb or teat-sucking behavior as early as possible, at least before the permanent teeth have erupted. For example, give your child something to hold in his or her hands or distract him or her during the day.

Permanent teeth replace milk teeth

Most children start changing their teeth at the age of six. The period of molars is a very important phase in the development of permanent teeth. The eruption teeth of the permanent teeth follow a certain pattern. The permanent tooth or molar dissolves, as it were, the roots of the primary tooth or molar. This causes the deciduous tooth to become loose and fall out. The permanent tooth replaces it.

Many children and parents don’t notice the first permanent molars breaking through. They break through behind the last milk tooth. This makes them a bit hidden. It is very important to take care of these molars. The enamel of the newly erupted molar is still very porous and vulnerable. Brush the tips of the new molars as soon as they have come through. At the age of 11 or 12 more permanent molars will erupt. These are also extra sensitive for getting cavities just after they have erupted. Wisdom teeth are the last molars to erupt. Some people do not get wisdom teeth.

When new molars come through, the gums often swell. This is normal. It may hurt, but there’s no need to worry.

Differences between deciduous and permanent teeth

The incisors of the permanent teeth have a serrated edge. Milk teeth do not have this. The serrated edge consists of three small bumps on the cutting surface. The serrations disappear over time due to natural wear.

The permanent teeth are darker and yellower in color. The enamel of the new teeth is stronger than that of the milk teeth. Brushing does not help to lighten their color. Sometimes the color difference is due to damage to the tooth during development. Medication can also cause color differences. Is there a noticeable difference in the color of one tooth? Consult your dentist.

Deviations in the development of children’s teeth

In some cases, the development of the teeth is not as it should be. Your dentist or dental hygienist will notice this during the periodic check-up. In consultation, he will take measures. The following abnormal developments require advice from your dentist:

  • Your child is almost eight years old and is not yet changing.
  • There are more than six months between the eruption of a tooth on the left

and the right side of the jaw.

  • A new tooth comes through, but the baby tooth is still in place. The new tooth appears in front of or behind the primary tooth.
  • Your son or daughter has a longer period of pain when changing than his peers.

Please note that good oral hygiene is still necessary, even if brushing hurts.

Temporary crooked teeth in children’s teeth

The teeth of permanent teeth may erupt slightly crooked. Sometimes many teeth may break through at the same time. Then it seems as if there are ‘too many’ teeth in that smallmouth. That is not a problem, because the jaw will continue to grow for a while. Then there will be more room for permanent teeth. Often, the position of the teeth will correct itself in the end.

Thumb sucking

Many toddlers suck their thumb, pacifier, or finger. Some children press their tongue against the palate when swallowing, pushing it between the upper and lower teeth. Thumb, finger, or teat sucking and tongue pressing affect the position of the teeth. Try to teach your child not to suck or tongue. Do this before the permanent front teeth erupt. For example, give your child something to hold in his hands or distract him during the day. Or reward your child if it has stopped for a certain time. Can’t get rid of the wrong habits? Ask your dentist or dental hygienist for advice.

Brushing and re-brushing for children

Children usually want to brush their teeth at a young age. That is fine. They just don’t do it very well yet. Brush children’s teeth at least once a day until they are ten years old. Older children are usually able to brush independently. Even then, there’s no harm in checking occasionally that the teeth are clean. For example, use plaque indicators. This is a red dye in tablet form that makes plaque visible. You can buy these tablets at a drugstore. Are there any problems with brushing? Ask your dentist or dental hygienist for advice.

Pay attention to the following when (re)cleaning:

  • Beginning at age five, brush twice daily with adult fluoride toothpaste. Some tubes say “children’s” or “junior” toothpaste. Look for the age recommendation (e.g. 5-12 years).
  • Use a special brush for children’s mouths. Choose a variety with soft bristles. Replace the brush when the bristles are no longer aligned. As soon as children can hold a toothbrush, they can start brushing electrically.
  • Brush afterward at least once a day. Make sure you have a good view of the mouth and enough support for yourself and your child when you brush after them.
  • Try out which brushing position is the most comfortable for you. For example, stand behind your child at an angle. Support their chin with your hand and let their head rest against your upper body. Lean over your child so that you can see where you’re brushing. Or stand in front of your child and let him or her rest his or her head against the wall, for example. Support the chin with one hand while brushing with the other. This way you can see where you’re brushing.
  • When brushing, pay special attention to the back teeth.
  • Does your child wear braces that cannot be removed? Then pay extra attention to brushing. Plaque easily gets stuck between the braces and the teeth. Ask your dentist or dental hygienist about the best way to brush.
  • Are your gums bleeding despite good brushing technique? Consult your dentist or dental hygienist. Your child may need additional aids.

Food and drink and children’s teeth

In addition to good brushing, post brushing, and check-ups, you must pay close attention to your child’s diet. Plaque forms on and between the teeth and is a barely visible, sticky, yellowish-white layer. The bacteria in plaque convert sugars (from sweets, cookies, soda, fruit, etc.) and starches (from potatoes, pasta, bread, crackers, etc.) in the mouth into acids. These acids cause cavities (caries) in the teeth. Soft drinks, fruit juices, and sports drinks contain both sugars and acids. Acids can dissolve tooth enamel. This type of wear is called Acid Wear. To prevent cavities and Acid Wear, limit the number of times you eat and drink to no more than seven per day: three meals and no more than four snacks.

Cavities in the milk teeth

The dentist will usually prevent a cavity in the baby’s teeth from growing larger. They can do this by removing (drilling) caries and filling the tooth. Sometimes the cavity is so small that the infection will not progress if you take good care of your teeth yourself. In that case, he can refrain from drilling and filling. You will get appropriate advice on nutrition and brushing. If a tooth is going to erupt quickly, the dentist usually does nothing. Sometimes the damage to the tooth is so severe that recovery is not possible. Then, removal of the tooth is usually the best solution.

There are several reasons why it is important to prevent a cavity (caries) in a baby tooth from growing:

  • A cavity can lead to pain and inflammation
  • The baby tooth has to function for a while to keep space free for the molar of the permanent teeth
  • An inflammation in the milk teeth can affect the permanent teeth


Fluoride, a natural substance that helps prevent cavities

Fluoride is a natural substance that makes teeth less vulnerable to acid attacks from bacteria. Using the right amount of fluoride helps prevent cavities. That’s why fluoride is important in daily dental care.

What is the best way to apply fluoride?

Brushing your teeth is the best way to use fluoride. Fluoride is in most kinds of toothpaste.

When should you start using fluoride toothpaste?

Once first teeth have erupted, brush teeth once a day with fluoride toothpaste. Children ages two through four should brush twice daily with this toothpaste. Beginning at age five, use regular adult fluoride toothpaste.

Use fluoride toothpaste

Apply fluoride toothpaste to a dry brush. This creates less foam and helps you keep track of your brushing.

Is it harmful to children to swallow toothpaste?

There is no harm in children swallowing toothpaste while brushing.

Does fluoride have side effects?

Internationally, fluoride is highly recommended for the prevention of dental caries. In the recommended dosage, no side effects occur.

Fluoride based advice

0 and 1 year

From teething onwards, brush once a day with fluoride toothpaste.

2, 3, and 4 years

Brush twice a day with fluoride toddler toothpaste.

5 years and older

Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste for adults. There are also tubes available in the trade that say “children’s” or “junior” toothpaste. Always look at the age label (e.g. 5-12 years).

In what ways can extra fluoride be used?

Brushing your teeth

Extra brushing is the simplest way you can use extra fluoride.

Rinse with fluoride

The dentist may recommend fluoride use when a person is at extra risk of developing cavities. This is the case with braces wearers. Sometimes children in schools rinse with fluoride. This is not necessary for all students, but it can’t hurt either.

Fluoride treatment

When the molars have broken through around the 6th year of life, you will get a fluoride treatment at the practice every six months.

Sealing. What’s that?

The word ‘seal’ is derived from the English verb ‘to seal’. It means to seal. Dental sealants are used to seal grooves and pits in teeth. The dentist or assistant usually seals with a plastic sealant.

Sealing. Why?

Sealing is done to protect the teeth from cavities. It protects them in the places where they are most susceptible to cavities, namely in the grooves and pits. These are vulnerable, especially if they are deep and narrow. The bristles of the toothbrush have a hard time cleaning the grooves. Sealing is usually done shortly after the permanent tooth has erupted. This is when cavities are most likely to occur.

How does the sealing process work?


First, the dentist or assistant will clean the tooth thoroughly with a brush or instrument.


To make the enamel adhere well, the dentist or assistant roughens the grooves and pits in the enamel with an acidic liquid. This is called etching. This is done with a syringe.


After a short exposure period, the dentist or hygienist rinses the acidic liquid away with water. This is done with an air/water syringe. The water is sucked up with a saliva aspirator.


Saliva prevents the varnish from sticking to the tooth. That’s why the dentist or assistant keeps the tooth dry with cotton swabs and a saliva vacuum cleaner. This way, no saliva can reach the tooth.


Now the dentist or assistant can apply the synthetic varnish to the tooth with an instrument or brush. The wax is very thin and flows deep into the bottom of the grooves and pits.

Hardening of the lacquer

Then the lacquer has to be hardened. This is done with a lamp that emits blue light. Sometimes the dentist or assistant uses an orange screen to protect the eyes from the blue light. Finally, the dentist or assistant checks whether the varnish is properly in place.

Advantages and disadvantages of sealing

The advantage of sealing is that there is less chance of cavities in the sealed areas of the molars. The disadvantage is that after the sealing process, the lacquer may taste a little bit dirty. At first, the molars feel a bit strange when you bite them. This feeling disappears by itself.

How do children experience sealing?

Children often experience sealing as a real treatment. Most children can tolerate it well.

What is important for my child to know?

Young children usually have difficulty keeping their mouths open for long periods. Tell your child how the treatment will proceed.

Do each child’s molars need to be sealed?

The molars are only sealed if the dentist expects to see cavities in the grooves.

Brushing teeth when the molars are sealed

You can continue to brush with fluoride toothpaste. Just brush the sealed surfaces with it.

How long does the plastic paint from sealing last?

The plastic that is deep in the grooves lasts for several years. During the periodic checkup, the dentist checks to see if there is still enough. If some material has disappeared, it can be replaced.

Orthodontics (children)

A mouth with straight teeth

You get braces if your teeth are forward. Or if your teeth do not fit together properly. Braces help to straighten your teeth. This makes it easier to chew, for example. Brushing your teeth is also easier. This keeps your teeth smooth and healthy. And of course, a mouth with straight teeth looks nice.

What braces do you get and when do you have to wear them?

There are different types of braces. Locked braces, for example. They are attached to your teeth. There are also braces that you can put on and take off yourself. Sometimes they are supplemented by braces on the outside. You may have to wear them day and night. Or you may only have to wear it at night. It all depends on how crooked your teeth are. And what it takes to get them in the right place. That determines which braces are best for you, and when you should wear them.

How do braces work?

Braces pull or push your teeth in the right direction. Braces should be adjusted regularly. Then they continue to push your teeth in the right direction.

How long do you have to wear braces?

On average, you have to wear braces for two to three years. They are not always the same. You will often need several braces during your entire braces period.

Who do you go to for braces?

An orthodontist is a specialist dentist who straightens crooked teeth. Some dentists can also make their braces. First, the orthodontist determines how much your teeth are crooked. You may be too young to get braces. If so, your jaw may need to grow further. If you are ready for braces, he will make an impression on your upper and lower teeth. For this, you have to bite into a kind of porridge. It usually tastes like peppermint. He will also take x-rays and ordinary pictures of your teeth. He can then see which braces are best for you. On your next visit, he will tell you and your parents.

How often do you have to come back for your braces?

Usually, you’ll need to come back once a month for your braces. In the beginning, these visits last about half an hour. Later they become shorter and shorter. You can not always visit us after school. You may have to miss an hour of school.

How do you feel about braces?

The first few days it is a strange feeling having braces in your mouth. Then you get used to it. Then the strange feeling is gone. Sometimes your teeth may be sensitive after the braces have been fitted or adjusted.

Can you just brush your teeth with braces?

You can just brush your teeth. You must pay extra attention to brushing your teeth and braces. Some braces make it more difficult to brush properly. In those cases, you can use special toothbrushes. You can get tips on these when you get your braces.

Can you eat anything with braces?

Unfortunately, you cannot eat everything with braces. So you will have to leave out licorice, toffees and other sticky things. You should also avoid chewing gum. The remains of chewing gum get stuck on your braces and are very difficult to get off. Also, be careful with beef jerky and cola or other soft drinks. These drinks contain sugars. These sugars cause plaque. And plaque causes cavities. With braces in your mouth, it is difficult to brush away plaque.

From what age:

The dentist will send you to an orthodontist when he thinks it’s time. Usually, this is around the age of 11 for girls and 12 for boys.

CEREC is a restoration method that uses computer technology to create restorations (CAD/CAM) such as crowns, inlays, onlays, and facings.

The system consists of a camera, a scanner, 3D software, and a computer-controlled grinding device.

In just one appointment at the dentist!!!


  1. White porcelain in the color of your teeth
  2. Less loss of natural tooth material
  3. Only one treatment needed
  4. No prints or emergency crowns
  5. Hard porcelain similar to glaze
  6. Durable result